French Vocabulary List #2

Gare du Nord (exterior)

LA VIE: I have started traveling quite a bit in Europe; especially central and southern France. This week’s list is comprised of travel words related to my upcoming travels to Austria, city of Versailles, and the city of Nice, France.

Paris subways give insights to the unique culture and will either leave your intrigued or afraid (honest opinion). To learn more about some of the unique Paris subways, click here! (link updated in December, 2019)

Click the hyperlinks to hear pronunciation! (links updated 1/2016)

My favorite YouTube Channels to learn French:

Learn French with Alexa

Learn French with Vincent

French Sounds - especially helpful with mastering the alphabet

To follow my Expat adventures, I welcome you to follow me on Instagram!


Staycation: Experiencing Paris


French Vocabulary List #1