Expat Diary: America’s Fascination with Ice!

Enjoying sodas in Paris

LA VIE: Before moving to Europe, I had dozens of people provide me their tips on navigating the continent. Their remarks were comical and at times seemed more like watch outs. Although I usually don’t read too much into other people’s opinions, the one remark that was the most consistent was the lack of ice used in Parisian cafes and restaurants.

Personally, I don’t like ice in my beverages. It waters down the drink’s flavor and imagining foreign bacteria melting into my beverage sounds gross.

Much to my delight, often at cafes and restaurants and the server recognizes my American accent (because my French is far from perfect), my drink is usually served with ice. I consider it a kind gesture… a way to accommodate American preferences without asking. Touristy areas are used to Americans asking for ice. La glace is sold in the supermarché so it isn’t a foreign concept. The distinct need to have beverages “ice cold” is the broader observation.

Have you heard the “rumor” that wine is cheaper in France than a soda? Here’s the answer… click here!

To keep up with my adventures, posts, and other oddities about international life, follow me on Instagram!


Supermarché: My First Paris Grocery Experience